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Pet Groomer in Lakewood Ranch, FL

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Dog Grooming Services in Lakewood Ranch, FL

Woof Gang Bakery & Grooming Lakewood Ranch offers quality grooming services for all dog breeds and sizes for over 10 years. Keeping your pup well-groomed is an essential part of their health. As much as we adore a fresh haircut we also offer options that can help your pet feel confident and improve their well-being. As soon as you walk into the salon we will greet you and your pet and listen to your needs and concerns. This allows us to be cautious of any problem areas, treat any concerns, and provide a detailed style. We cannot wait to meet your pet! Call us at (941) 907-9111 to discover our pricing.

Full Groom: $75+

Bath, blow-dry, brush out, nail trim, ear cleaning & all over hair cut.

Mini Groom: $60+

Bath, blow-dry, brush out, nail trim, ear cleaning & trim of the face-feet-fanny and sanitary area.

Luxury Bath: $45+

Bath, blow-dry, brush out, nail trim & ear cleaning.

Nail Trim + Dremel: $25+

We cut nails to a prudent length, just short of the toenail quick. Nail trimming prevents painful nail cracking or nails breaking.

A La Carte

Medicated Shampoo: $10
Flea & Tick Shampoo: $15
Specialty Shampoo: $10 
Conditioner: $10
Anal Glands: $10
Teeth Cleaning: $7
Ear Cleaning: $5
Paw Balm: $5
Sanitary Trim: $5+
Eye Trim: $5+
Pad Trim: $5+
Foot Trim: $10+
Deshed: $10+
Demat: $10 per 15 minutes
Birthday Hat & Treat: $15

What our customers are saying

Come visit our pet supply store Lakewood Ranch, FL specializing in quality dog food and supplies. Professional grooming is available!